
Churches under Siege of Persecution and Assimilation: The General Epistles and Revelation is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this third and final book of a three-volume series, B.J. Oropeza covers the writings of the General Epistles and the communities in the book of Revelation—the seven churches in Asia Minor. In Hebrews there were warnings of apostasy with no restoration, yet in James there can be restoration of apostates. Peter identifies marginalized Christians and apostate teachers. Jude confronts apostate...

The author then delivers a torrent of accusations denouncing the opponents in 2:11–19. As the passage unfolds, the false teachers’ apostasy is discerned through the intertext of Balaam’s error. They abandon (καταλείπω) the “straight way” and have gone astray (πλανάω) after the “way of Balaam,” who loved the gain of unrighteous-ness (2:15). Καταλείπω has multiple meanings, but here it is related to apostasy (cf. Sir 28:23; Heb 4:1; Mart. Pol. 17.2). Likewise, πλανάω
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